- Powered by Patterns 3rd generation Digital Bot Workers[DBW]
- Automates SWIFT And Email Communications for Inward and Outward Payments
- Maintains a fuzzy search Database of payments
- Select specified SWIFT / domestic payment messages for the processing using an SOP provided for the purpose in the system
- Classifies incoming Free Format SWIFT messages and Emails
- Semantic processing of messages to derive intent and sub-intents in the message
- Supports Internal Departmental, Relationship Manager & Customer referrals for getting information, decision or preferences using innovative Active Response Template [ART] technology.
- System maintains Communication Thread and maintains separate case folder for each connected payment
- Automatically collects information available in Enterprise Banking Systems
- Prepares response SWIFT and Email messages
- Provides manual queues for oversight and complete manual processing
- Linked payments management
- Sherlock Checker Queue
- Sherlock Robotic Call Back
- Active Response Templates
- 1.3 million payment investigations performed through Sherlock.
- Payment investigation time cut down over 85%.
- Volume increased 300% since 2019 (baseline), however human staff is at 30% of baseline.